Thursday, February 23, 2012

The fiery power

A volcano is a great manifestation of the fiery power contained deep within the earth. A volcano inspires me to manifest my inner powers to throw away all that is old and corrupt inside of me and the society. It inspires me to be a rebel with a cause.

I clicked this picture from the helicopter over the Kilauea Volcano in Big Island, Hawaii which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. For facts, Kīlauea means "spewing" in the Hawaiian language. The PuʻʻŌʻō cone has been continuously erupting in the eastern rift-zone since 1983, making it the longest rift-zone eruption of the last 200 years. Lava less than 1000 years old covers 90% of Kīlauea, and the volume of erupted material is large enough to pave a road around the world three times.

1 comment:

  1. Love the cauldron.............i wanna go to Hawaii


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