Thursday, February 23, 2012

The old world

I suppose in the old world this wouldn't be a rare scenery. Men respected mother nature and lived a life of harmony. I feel we have progressed so much yet we have slipped in an essential way. It's time to get back to basics. It's time to get back to where we started, at least in few ways.

I clicked this picture on a beautiful summer evening on my way back from Yellowstone National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT.  


  1. This is one of my favorite photographs. Truly awesome with vibrant colors. The lush green grass backed by snow capped mountains with perfect overcast.

    I want to call you a thief. A jewel thief who has stolen a perfect moment from the mother nature and made it hers for eternity.

    Your captions are no less amazing. They reflect how well grounded and how well connected you are.

    You have raised the bar for yourself. Keep up the great work!!!

  2. Some times it Feels Gud to remain Old...Coze u got so Emotionally attached to ur old things that it is really difficult to leave them behind n step ahead..but Changing is the harmony of life...n ve have to move ahead to those old memories stays in soul...

  3. nature at its best. indeed such sights are rare these days due to our so called "progress".


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