Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hidden soul

There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath. Herman Meville.

I clicked this picture on a November evening in Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, CA.

The higher power

It's time to say adios to the adventures of the day and trusting and letting the higher power guard you like these boats and ships being guarded at the harbor.

I clicked this picture in the Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, CA on a November evening minutes after the sunset.

Halt you must

Ships need to halt and find shelter in the harbor when the water is rough. Men need to halt and find shelter in love when the going gets tough. 

This is the picture of Santa Barbara harbor in California on the Pacific Ocean on a November evening.

Man, the wind and the boat

For one thing, I was no longer alone; a man is never alone with the wind and the boat made three. Hilaire Belloc. 

This picture was clicked right after the sunset in the Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, CA on a November evening.

The moment

This picture captures the moment when the sun is merging with the waters of the ocean. After split second it was gone for the day. 

I clicked this picture on a cruise in the Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, CA on a November evening. 

Follow the sun

Follow the sun and the shadows will fall behind. Trust life and the sorrows will subside. 

This was clicked in the Pacific Ocean near Santa Barbara, CA few minutes before the sunset on a November evening.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The highest mountains

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary. Friedrich Nietzsche.

I clicked this picture of Rocky Mountains on my flight from Salt lake city, UT to Oakland, CA on a bright summer evening.

Waves of clouds

Life is made of waves of clouds which delude our mind. We need to be disillusioned to be able to smoothly sail through life.

"Waves of clouds" is a picture I clicked on my flight from Salt Lake city, UT to Oakland, CA on a bright summer evening.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Carefree innocence

A pair of small shoes on the shore of the Agency Lake, OR reminds me of the carefree, innocent childhood. This pair belonged to a little boy who was making sand castle with his brother on a lazy summer afternoon. His younger sister was flopping around in the dirty green waters of the lake. 

Sail away

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain. 

This is a picture of the Atlantic Ocean clicked from the sunset point in Key West, FL on a surreal December evening.

The dark clouds

Do not let these dark clouds shadow your heart because if you have faith these clouds will clear up and give way to the clear skies. 

This picture of the Atlantic Ocean was clicked on a beautiful tropical evening in the month of December in Key West, FL.

Salve to my soul

The ocean has always been a salve to my soul. The best thing for a cut or abrasion was to go swimming in salt water. Later down the road of life, I made the discovery that salt water was also good for the mental abrasions one inevitably acquires on land. Jimmy Buffett. 

clicked this picture on a fine December evening few minutes after the sunset in the Atlantic Ocean near Key West, FL.

Sunshine on a chilly day

Sunshine warms the body on a chilly day, friends warm the soul on a lonely way. 

This picture was clicked on a beautiful summer evening close to Crater Lake, OR.

A beautiful mystery

A forest is a beautiful mystery. The deeper you go the more amazed you become. It has the power to turn you into a child, full of amazement and yet carefree.

This picture was clicked on my way back to Salt Lake City, UT from Yellowstone National Park, WY on a early summer evening.

The trip

Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. Robert J. Hastings.

I clicked this picture on a breezy summer day in Big Island, Hawaii.

The magical cauldron

This picture transfers me to an enchanted place with colored magical potion boiling inside of a magical cauldron and magic waiting to happen!

I clicked this picture in Yellowstone National Park, WY on a cold and rainy summer evening!

Higher power

The grandiosity of these mountains inspire awe within me and the calm lake makes me feel deep peace. When I look at this picture I feel the presence of a higher power and I wish to lovingly surrender my senses to it.

I clicked this picture on my way to Yellowstone National Park, WY from Salt Lake City, UT on a summer morning.

A lonely planet

This picture makes me feel like I am with no one just myself in a lonely planet, far removed from the civilization and its superfluity.  

I clicked this picture in the Yellowstone National Park, WY on a cold summer evening soon after the sunset. 

In the jungle

A jungle connects me to life in the most primitive way. When I am in the jungle, my basic instincts arise and I feel most alive. 

I clicked this picture on a hot summer afternoon while walking barefoot through a swamp infested with alligators in the Everglades National Park, FL.


This picture inspires me to break the manmade barriers and explore the unchartered territories of life and the world.

I clicked this picture few minutes after the sunset on a breezy summer evening on the southernmost Point of the continental USA in Key West, FL.

The silver lining

Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

I clicked this picture on a beautiful summer evening in the Indian Ocean near the Andaman Islands, India.

Reach higher

This picture inspires me to reach higher in my endeavors every time. 

This is a color picture that I clicked on a summer evening on my way from Yellowstone National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT. 


Boundaries do not divide the land merely, they divide the hearts of men. Fortunate are birds and animals who know no boundaries that create such division.

I clicked this picture on a beautiful summer evening on my way back from Yellowstone National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT.

The old world

I suppose in the old world this wouldn't be a rare scenery. Men respected mother nature and lived a life of harmony. I feel we have progressed so much yet we have slipped in an essential way. It's time to get back to basics. It's time to get back to where we started, at least in few ways.

I clicked this picture on a beautiful summer evening on my way back from Yellowstone National Park, WY to Salt Lake City, UT.  

The fiery power

A volcano is a great manifestation of the fiery power contained deep within the earth. A volcano inspires me to manifest my inner powers to throw away all that is old and corrupt inside of me and the society. It inspires me to be a rebel with a cause.

I clicked this picture from the helicopter over the Kilauea Volcano in Big Island, Hawaii which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. For facts, Kīlauea means "spewing" in the Hawaiian language. The PuʻʻŌʻō cone has been continuously erupting in the eastern rift-zone since 1983, making it the longest rift-zone eruption of the last 200 years. Lava less than 1000 years old covers 90% of Kīlauea, and the volume of erupted material is large enough to pave a road around the world three times.

Old and broken

This old and broken wooden structure may have lost its usefulness but hasn't failed to add charm. People may become old and unproductive but don't fail to bring beauty and wisdom into our lives and connect us to our roots.

I clicked this picture on a beautiful spring afternoon on a hiking trip on one of the Muir Beach trails in California.

Take me home, country roads

"Take me home, country roads". Home is where the heart is and my heart belongs here. 

This is a beautiful 12-mile road through open ranch lands lined with white windmills leading to the South Point of the USA. This picture was clicked on a lazy summer evening in Big Island, Hawaii.

Into the deep blue waters

The rusty wooden structures on the cliff are fishermen's ladders to climb back up. It's a perfect place to dive into the deep blue waters of the Pacific ocean. Divers use these for extreme diving.

I clicked this picture on the South point of the USA in Big Island, Hawaii on a windy summer evening. 

A day dreamer's paradise

This is a day dreamer's paradise and I often visit here in my dreams. This is the South Point of USA where one dimension ends and the other begins. There’s nothing between the cliff and the continent of Antarctica but the deep blue ocean 

This picture was clicked on a windy summer evening in the Big Island, Hawaii.

The veil

Do you wonder what lies beyond this veil of smoke? Beyond this veil lies one of the world's most active volcanoes "Kilauea" in the Big Island, Hawaii.

Smoke on water

Where do you see smoke on water? Here, on the site of the world's most active volcano "Kilauea" in Big Island, Hawaii. Molten lava flowing down the flanks of Kilauea often pours into the Pacific Ocean, where it interacts with sea water to produce hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and other chemicals.

A hidden fire

Where there's smoke, there's fire. There indeed is a hidden fire in the heart of the earth. This is the picture of the site of the Kilauea Volcano in Big Island, Hawaii, which is one of the world's most active volcanoes. 

We all carry a hidden fire in our heart and that fire is our guiding light.

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